Jason Dahlman
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Tomorrow’s Good Friday service will be live-streamed from our website on Friday, April 10th at 7:00 PM. The worship team leading this service has provided a colouring booklet for children (or adults!) to follow along. I will send out the colouring sheet in tomorrow’s update so parents can print it off before the service. 


A Devotional Thought:


“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” (John 13:34)


Today is Holy Thursday. Another name for this day is Maundy Thursday. The word “maundy” comes from the Latin word mandatum which means “commandment.” The reason this day is called “Commandment Thursday” is because it was on this Thursday that Jesus gave His disciples a “new commandment.”


What was this new commandment? It was “to love one another.” But how is that a new commandment? The Old Testament is full of commandments to love one another. The newness of the commandment is the way in which we’re supposed to love one another. 


“Love one another just as I have loved you.” And just in case the disciples didn’t know what Christlike love is, He gave them a picture. He laid aside his outer garments and took a towel and tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and washed the disciples’ feet and wiped them with the towel.


When you picture that scene, keep in mind that Judas had not yet left the room. That means that Jesus extended this humble act of selfless love to a man whom He knew was just about to go out and betray him. That’s the new commandment. Love all others like that. Even those who frustrate or annoy us. Even those who have caused us pain or betrayed us. We are commanded to love them as Christ has loved us. 


That’s what Maundy Thursday is all about. So look for opportunities to extend Christlike love to someone today. I realize that our concrete expressions of love are somewhat limited these days but find a way. Find someone to love today and express that love in a selfless and sacrificial way. And then do it again tomorrow and the next day and for as many days as the Lord gives you here on earth. It’s what He has commanded us to do. Happy Maundy Thursday!


Be blessed today.

And be a blessing!

Pastor Jason