Jason Dahlman
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Friday Book Discussion!


This week we read chapter 5: “Abundance and Scarcity” from Recapturing the Wonder by Mike Cosper.


Summary: This chapter is a warning against being overly influenced by our consumer culture. We obviously need to buy and consume things as part of regular, everyday life. But the danger is that when we remove the enchantment from the cosmos then we run the risk of reducing life to a series of transactions. 


The advertising industry exists to create desire in our hearts and encourages us to define ourselves by the things we purchase, own and consume. This is not a satisfying way to live. Rather than being defined by our possessions, it would be far more fulfilling to be defined by our generosity. Cosper isn’t just talking about being generous with our money and possessions but also being generous with our gifts, talents, words and time.


God has structured the world that when we share these things with others they actually multiply and everyone is blessed. But when we hoard our time and talents they diminish and everyone is impoverished.  


Commentary: I think the author is right to point out that we diminish our experience of God’s creation if we are too distracted by possessions. Yes, we need some possessions but the world that God has gifted to us is so much more than that. God has been abundant in His giving. And when we reflect His image with our own generosity then we enrich our own lives and the lives of others. Living with a passion for abundant generosity is not only an act of rebellion against a materialistic culture but it’s a way of re-enchanting the world and experiencing God’s presence in daily life. 


Application: Materialism and greed are tricky. One the one hand, I don’t think I’m an especially materialistic person. But on the other hand, I’ve probably been more influenced by our materialistic culture than I realize. By way of applying this chapter to my own life, I’m going to re-evaluate my buying and my giving. Here are the questions I’m asking myself today:


Is my life more marked by the acquisition and accumulation of things or by abundant generosity?


In what ways have I allowed my possessions to define me?


In what ways am I giving my time, talents, creativity and energy to others?


What needs to change?  


How about you? Did you like this chapter? Did you get the same things out of it that I did? What did you see that I missed?


Have a blessed weekend and I’ll see you on Sunday!

Pastor Jason