Jason Dahlman
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Live-streaming Service


Thanks to everyone who tuned in on Sunday. We’re still figuring this out but it sounds like most people were able to see and hear the service. Apologies to those of you who experienced glitches or a frozen screen. We’ll continue to try to improve the live-streaming experience for everyone. 


A Devotional Thought for Today


I now have a theme song for this whole unusual situation that we find ourselves in. I listen to it every day and I give it my full attention. It makes me cry every time and then I have to pretend I have something in my eye or leave the room so that my kids don’t think I’m a big baby (any more than they already do). 


The song makes me cry because it beautifully captures both the sadness of living in a broken world and the hope of knowing that one day our Savior will make all things new. That’s a complicated emotion. Mournful and hopeful at the same time. Romans 8 tells us that one day creation itself will be set free from its bondage and right now the whole creation is groaning in anticipation of that day. For me, this song evokes those feelings of sadness and longing and anticipation.  


The song is: Is He Worthy by Andrew Peterson


Here’s a link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIahc83Kvp4


Let me encourage you to watch it and listen to the words. I found the images especially poignant in the light of our service yesterday. It begins with an empty church and just Andrew’s voice but ends with the church full of worshippers. That’s how I felt yesterday. The church looked very empty when I looked out. But I knew you were there and God was right there in our midst. Both sad and beautiful at the same time.


Is He Worthy? He is.

Tell me the truth, you cried when you watched it, didn’t you?


I consider it an honor and a joy to serve as your pastor during this time. 

If you need anything don’t hesitate to contact me:




Have a truly blessed week.

Grace and peace to you.

Pastor Jason