Jason Dahlman
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A Devotional Thought for Today:


Right now I’m sitting at my desk and looking out over the soccer field at Covenant. Normally at this time of day it would be filled with kids playing and making a lot of noise. But not today. Today the field is empty and quiet. Which makes me sad so I turn away and look at the whiteboard on my wall and this is what I read:


“Do not doubt in the dark what you knew in the light.”


I wrote that note to myself back on December 31st. I’m not sure why I wrote it. I guess I just liked how it sounded. Little did I know that I would need to be reminded of those words on March 26th. God has a way of doing that, doesn’t He? Right when we need it most He gives us little reminders that He’s here with us and He loves us. Pay attention to the ways that God is telling you that today. 


May the Lord bless you and keep you today. 

Pastor Jason