Jason Dahlman
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A devotional thought:


In the day of my trouble I seek the Lord; in the night my hand is stretched out without wearying; my soul refuses to be comforted. 

When I remember God, I moan; 

when I meditate, my spirit faints.” (Psalm 77:2-3)


No one had to teach you how to cry. In fact, crying was one of the first things that you ever did. As you transitioned out of the safety of the womb and into the unknown world, your lungs filled with air and you let out a wail. Life begins with tears. To cry and to feel pain is to be human. No exceptions. 


In the Psalms we’re given a model of what to do with our pain. About one-third of the Psalms are what is known as “laments.” The lament Psalms reflect times when the Psalmist is feeling pain and crying out to God. But even amidst the pain these Psalms are an expression of trust. In fact, the very act of bringing our pain and our questions to God is an act of trust.


Lament Psalms ask questions like: “Where are you God?” Or “Why is this happening to me God?” You might think that lament is the opposite of praise but it isn’t. It’s more accurate to think of lament as a step on the path from brokenness to praise. Lament is a way for us to transition from grieving to hope. 


One out of every three Psalms contains an articulation of the pain and confusion that comes from living in this world. That’s amazing. And I think it’s encouraging to note that the Psalmist rarely gets answers to his questions. Rather, by being honest with God about our trials and pain we experience the comfort of a Father who listens and cares. 


Psalm 77 opens with these words: “I cry aloud to God, aloud to God, and he will hear me.” If we didn’t trust God then we wouldn’t bring our trials and questions to Him. Sometimes just being willing to articulate our pain to God is the first step towards healing. 


Are you feeling any pain right now? Maybe the pain of loneliness or the pain of anxiety about the future. Maybe it’s the pain of doubt or maybe it’s physical pain. Maybe it’s the pain of being misunderstood or the pain of a broken relationship. The Bible teaches us not to cover that up or try to silently endure it. Rather, God encourages us to bring our pain to him. Sometimes voicing our pain is the first step towards healing. We may not get answers but we'll always get a God who listens and comforts.


May you be blessed richly today.

Pastor Jason